Membership of the Club is open to members of the public on application, regardless of sex, race, age, disability and religion.

Only persons interested in the objectives of the Club may become members or remain so. Procedure for membership, as prescribed by this Constitution, shall be met by all aspiring candidates.

Inauguration of new members into the club

Classes of Membership

Membership of the Club shall be of the following classes:

 FullMembership: Shall be persons who are 18 years and above and are up to date in their financial obligations to the Club.

 Athlete/ Junior Membership: An Athlete member shall be one who regularly participates in any of the aquatic sports, such as sailing, canoeing, kayaking, and rowing, while a junior member shall be one who is below eighteen (18) years of age and shall be nominated by a full member and guaranteed by their parents or guardians.

Temporary Membership: Shall be persons who would normally qualify for full membership and have applied for membership during the period of a temporary stay in Lagos, provided that the period of temporary membership shall not exceed six (6) months.


Affiliate Membership: Shall be persons whose Clubs have affiliation agreement with the Club.



Honorary Membership: Shall be distinguished persons invited by the Executive Committee to take up honorary membership of the Club. The number of persons to make up this membership list shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Life Membership: Shall be full members aged seventy (70) years and above who have paid their annual subscriptions and other levies for the ten (10) consecutive years preceding the age qualification.